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New TV series on the history of the founding of the TRNC in 1983.
November 15th 2023 marked the 40th Anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a separate state from the Greek Cypriot Republic of Cyprus in 1983.
To commemorate this historic date, the Turkish television station TRT World has commissioned a 6-part series of films explaining the reasons for the struggle of the Turkish Cypriots for an independent and autonomous Turkish Cypriot state.
TRT Summary of “The Forefront: Cyprus”:
“Cyprus, a pivotal island in the Mediterranean, has remained a focal point of political power struggles throughout its history. The Forefront: Cyprus documentary series embarks on a journey through the decades – from the Bloody Christmas of 1963 to the Turkish operation and the Annan Plan, uncovering the little-known chapters of this island’s enduring conflict. Within six episodes, we explore the hardships, divisions and the quest for reconciliation on this historic island”.
We at NCI hope that you enjoy watching these episodes which make excellent background for anyone considering the purchase of a property in Northern Cyprus. Links to these episodes are below, or they can be found on YouTube.
Why did TRNC or North Cyprus become a separate state in 1983?
For anyone interested in why North Cyprus needed to exist as a separate state to the South of Cyprus, this in-depth TV documentary series will be revealing and informative. This is particularly so since there are often misunderstandings (and sadly some would say propaganda) as to the real history behind the island’s division.
You will learn how:
From the 1950s onwards, tension began to occur between the Turkish and Greek Cypriots who had previously lived side by side happily for 100s of years, since the start of the Ottoman rule of Cyprus in 1571.
The Greek Cypriot population was encouraged by various leaders to believe that Enosis or Union with Greece was possible, thus exacerbating tensions and inflaming the Greek Cypriot terrorist attacks against Turkish Cypriots in the 50s and 60s.
British Colonial rulers tried ineffectively to solve the tension in the 50s but actually made things worse by recruiting Turkish Cypriots into the army to use force against the Greek Cypriot uprisings.
The 1960 independence constitution was unworkable and only lasted 3 years. The Turkish Cypriots were forced into Ghettos from 1963.
The Turkish army finally intervened as a guarantor power in 1974, leading to peace on the island despite the tragedy of the uprooting of communities either side of the green line.
The Turkish Cypriots and some of their Greek Cypriot counterparts tried from 1974 to 1983 to find reconciliation and establish a bizonal federation rather than a separate state, but this became impossible once Archbiship Makarios died and the new Greek Cypriot leaders once more called for Enosis.
The Annan Plan provided a realistic hope for a bizonal bicommunal solution in 2004 but was voted against by the Greek Cypriots, even though the Turkish Cypriots voted in favour.
Turkish Cypriots have lived under unjust trade embargoes and have only survived with the support of Turkiye since 1974. Türkiye recognises the TRNC as a state.
The current President of TRNC, Ersin Tartar, now leads calls for the international recognition of the TRNC as an independent state and has ruled out any more futile bizonal solution negotiations.
Links to the 6 episodes of The Forefront: Cyprus TV Documentary.
Episode 1 – The Forefront: Seeds of Hatred
Episode 2 – The Forefront: Resistance
Episode 3 – The Forefront: Peace Operation
Episode 4 – The Forefront: Tug of War
Episode 5 – (available on YouTube once released)
Episode 6 – (available on YouTube once released).
Please contact North Cyprus International (NCI) at any time for information on the purchase of property in the TRNC.