State and Private Hospitals in North Cyprus
There are two types of hospital in Northern Cyprus: State Hospitals and Private Hospitals. State hospitals are largely used by Turkish Cypriots and any nationality who is registered as a resident of North Cyprus and who subscribes to the TRNC Health Insurance programme. State hospital ambulance and accident and emergency services are free to non-residents.
Private hospitals in TRNC can be used on a paying basis by any resident or visitor and fees are very reasonable compared to those in Western Europe, North America or the UK. Longer stay visitors with travel insurance and many ex-pat residents tend to use private clinics and hospitals for non-emergency treatment.
The level of facilities tends to be higher in private hospitals although many consultants work in both sectors. The North Cyprus 112 ambulance service, which is partly charitably funded and was set up to operate to British paramedic standards, can take a patient to either type of hospital. The standard of healthcare in North Cyprus is generally good and mirrors that in Turkey, where many of the practitioners are trained.
Please contact the hospitals directly with any queries – North Cyprus International provides this information for our clients and cannot answer the telephone, live chat or email enquires about healthcare in North Cyprus.
List of North Cyprus Private Hospitals
Please note, this list or private hospitals in North Cyprus is not exhaustive, as many new facilities are opening regularly – and some of the larger hospitals are also opening new regional clinics. The Near East University Hospital in Lefkosa/Nicosia is generally accepted as being the top private hospital in North Cyprus and currently operates local centres in Famagusta, Guzelyurt and Bafra. This list does not include specialist IVF or plastic surgery clinics which can be searched for online.
Nicosia/Lefkosa Private Hospitals

Near East University Hospital – Nicosia
Telephone: +90 392 444 0 535. https://neareasthospital.com/
Cyprus Life Hospital
Telephone: +90 392 225 5570 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Hospital/Cyprus-Life-Hospital-1958669814421637/

Kolan British Hospital
Telephone: +90 392 680 8080 http://www.kolanbritish.com/home
Kyrenia/Girne Private Hospitals
Kamiloğlu Hastanesi – Girne
Telephone: +90 392 815 1498. https://kamilogluhastanesi.com/
Medical Port Hospital – Kyrenia
Telephone: +90 392 815 0800/01/03/04/05. http://www.medicalporttunccevik.com/en/
Famagusta/Gazimagusa Private Hospitals
Cyprus Life Hospital (Yasam Hospital)
Telephone: +90 392 444 1133. https://magusayasam.com/
Near East University Famagusta Medical Centre
Telephone: +90 392 444 0 535 x 2430
Guzelyurt Lefke Private Hospital clinic
Near East University Guzelyurt Clinic (next to bus terminal)
Telephone: +90 392 444 0535 x 2470
Bafra Private Hospital Clinic
Near East University Bafra Medical Centre
Telephone: +90 392 444 0535 x 2424
State Hospitals in North Cyprus

Nicosia/Lefkosa State Hospital (Dr Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital)
Telephone: +90 392 608 5441
This hospital is the largest state hospital in the TRNC with 152 doctors, over 400 nurses and nearly 500 other health personnel working in the hospital. It is a large 6 block hospital, opened in 1978. It is located on the outskirts of Lefkosa/Nicosia between Ortakoy and Gonyeli. It has the full range of trauma, outpatient, intensive care, blood bank and specialist facilities including dedicated cancer and diabetes centres.

Kyrenia/Girne State Hospital (Girne Akçiçek Hospital)
Telephone: +90 392 815 22 66
The current smaller 56-bed hospital is located close to the centre of Kyrenia going out towards Karakum and was opened in July 1996. It was upgraded in the year 2000 to include Emergency, Polyclinic and Administrative departments. As of 2020, Kyrenia State hospital provides 56 beds, 23 doctors, 45 nurses, 36 civil servants and 28 workers. Clinics include the following – internal medicine, physical therapy, chest diseases, cardiology, neurology and radiology.

Famagusta State Hospital
Telephone: +90 392 364 9146
The new Famagusta State Hospital was opened in 2007 to provide services to the whole of the North Cyprus East Coast region including Iskele and Karpaz. It is a very modern facility and proud to be a “smart building”.
Famagusta State Hospital is run to European Union standards with its operating room, x-ray, laboratories, polyclinics (offering a wide range of specialities) and services in addition to the 24-hour accident and emergency department. As of 2020, there are 122 nurses, 38 doctors, 77 officers, 49 workers. Patient care rooms are built to a high modern standard and offer ensuite bathrooms, music systems and other mod cons.
Contact Information
Central: +90 392 364 9146, +90 392 364 9147, +90 392 364 9148
Polyclinic Appointment +90 392 364 8520

Lefke State Hospital (Cengiz Topel Hospital)
Telephone: +90 392 723 63 51
This charming and historic building was built by the Cyprus Mining Corporation during the British colonial period in 1929. Set in nice gardens next to the Cengiz Topel original CMC golf course in the rural area of Yesilyurt, close to the seafront, it is a regional hospital serving the local people of Güzelyurt – Lefke. The hospital was named in 1964 after the Turkish martyr pilot Cengiz Topel who died right next to the grounds in that year during the hostilities. After the island’s division in 1974 it became part of the North Cyprus health service.
It is a 45-bed hospital that provides step health services which were upgraded in 2001 to provide a wide variety of healthcare services. The hospital has 2 fully-fledged ambulances which provide emergency support to those in the area. There are 88 personnel in the hospital. 11 of them are specialist physicians, 1 general practitioner, 1 dentist, 32 nurses and the rest are civil servants and workers.
The hospital has 45 beds and there are 3 12-15-bed wards, 3 private rooms, an operating theatre, physical therapy department, x-ray, laboratory, diabetes unit, 11 polyclinic rooms, 1 dental unit and a 24-hour Emergency Room, one of which is Gynaecology/Midwifery. Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Child Diseases and Ear Nose and Throat branches are available. It provides outpatient services on certain days of the week in the branches of Urology, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Physical Therapy, and Eye. Small, Medium and Large operations are performed in the fields of Surgery, Obstetrics, Urology, Ear Nose and Throat and 24-hour Accident and Emergency Service is provided.
North Cyprus Private Laboratories
Private Laboratories in North Cyprus are used for various purposes. One is for the compulsory blood test which is part of the North Cyprus residence application (see our article on that subject). Doctors may also request urine, blood and other samples to be sent to these labs as part of your treatment. You can also submit samples yourself (for example urine tests). Here are addresses of two of the Kyrenia/Girne private laboratories.
Erduran laboratory – Girne
Telephone: 0392 444 99 44 http://erduranlab.com/
British Medical Laboratory – Girne
Phone: 0392 444 42 65, 0392 822 40 80 www.britishmedicallab.com
Please note, North Cyprus International is a property company and cannot provide an email, telephone or live chat advice about healthcare in North Cyprus. Whilst the advice in this article is correct to our knowledge at the time of writing (April 2020) we cannot take responsibility for any errors. Please contact the hospitals directly with any health queries. We look forward to being of assistance with your property query.