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The right North Cyprus Property. Congratulations! You have perhaps made the decision to purchase a North Cyprus property. You have either visited or researched the country and know that it’s probably the right country for you. Now, you face the task of choosing the right North Cyprus property – whether apartment or villa. How do you choose? Do you choose your property before you travel? Do you organise a north Cyprus inspection trip – or an independent holiday? Do you view the villas or apartments alone or with an estate agency?
Here are 4 tips which will take you step-by-step to the ultimate goal: buying the right property in North Cyprus.
1 – Right North Cyprus Property | Use the Pre-Trip period to educate yourself about buying in North Cyprus
Many North Cyprus property enquirers spend hours every night at home before they travel sifting and re-sifting photographs, floor plans, site plans and other details. They are determined to choose their home before they arrive, then just come and purchase what they have seen online. Whilst this may be enjoyable as a preparation for your visit, most property experts would advise that there are better uses of your time in the pre-trip period.
You may know what you THINK you want. But do you actually know what you need?
The fact is – you don’t really know WHAT North Cyprus property is best for you, or what you really need until you are on the island and fully briefed.
Here is an example: you have a dream of a villa by the sea with your own pool.
You love swimming. There you are: cocktail in hand, feet up, watching the sunset over the sea and then taking a dip in your own pool. That image is fixed in your mind. However, you have overlooked one point: you are only going to use that pool perhaps 4 weeks per year. Will you keep it full of water? Will you wish to pay a pool cleaning company £50 per month or more to clean it whilst you are not there? Do you want to spend the first few days of your holiday fishing out leaves? Or worse: perhaps you have a vision of yourself in Cyprus in the winter months – when it is cold in the UK for example – again, relaxing beside or in that pool. (Slight problem: in the winter, unless you have a heated pool, even in Cyprus it is far too cold to swim in an outdoor unheated pool, yet you had no idea of this fact!).
In both cases, once “on island” in Cyprus, you discover that you might be better with a different product. In the first case, occasional pool users are better cost-wise at least, to buy a North Cyprus property on a site with a shared pool. This way, the monthly management fee will cover the cost of the pool cleaning. And winter “swallows” (as our winter ex-pat visitors are known), are actually far better going for a property (even an apartment) on a complex with a shared, heated, indoor pool.
Instead of using your time at home to try to select your final property – use this time instead to educate yourself about buying in North Cyprus. The NCI North Cyprus Buying Guide should be very helpful. Learn about the taxes involved, for example. Decide what you feel about North Cyprus Title Deeds and whether you would consider Off Plan or only Key Ready property. Also – very importantly – think about whether you are a cash buyer or would need properties with a short term or long term mortgage or payment plan. Then you will arrive educated and in a much better position to make your decision.
One last reason why not to set your heart on something from home is that properties in North Cyprus are being bought and sold every week. Time and again, people fix their mind on one property only to see it sold before they travel. Why put yourself through this? Instead look at the positive: new North Cyprus villas and apartments – or special offers – may come on the market which is perfect the day before you travel!
2 – Right North Cyprus Property | Know your reasons for buying North Cyprus Property – are you an investor, a lifestyle buyer or a combination?
Think carefully about this before you arrive in North Cyprus, as the island of Aphrodite has a way of pulling at your heartstrings once you are on her soil! There are three main types of property purchasers:
• those who are “pure” North Cyprus property investors and who are primarily purchasing as an alternative to putting money into the bank
• those who are North Cyprus “lifestyle property buyers” (those who are primarily purchasing for vacation, retirement or relocation)
• those whose reasons for buying North Cyprus property involve both investment and lifestyle needs.
Many North Cyprus property seekers arrive convinced they are pure investors, for example. They state this at the outset in the Property Consultation. They view investment apartments in Kyrenia. Two days later, their initial vision of money from property rental rolling into their bank account from lettings, has changed to a new vision of themselves having regular holidays in North Cyprus in their own private heaven which they have no desire to let anyone else into! They have fallen in Love with North Cyprus. It does happen – so be ready.

It is fine to change your property purchase priorities once you are in Cyprus. There are many people living happily in North Cyprus who only came ten years previously for one week and never left. This is one reason why it’s best not to try to choose your property prior to your property inspection visit or day viewing. On the other hand, if you know ultimately that you are someone who must let their head rule their heart – be on your guard. It is easy to fall in love with North Cyprus. But if you know that your real priority is an investment, focus on that. Experts such as the NCI Estate Agency team can help you stay focused on your property priorities during your visit.
3 – Right North Cyprus Property | Have a pre-trip North Cyprus Property Online or Phone Consultation
Now you have done your background research. You know what questions to ask! You are clearer about WHY you wish to purchase.
You can just wait until you are in North Cyprus to meet with an estate agency, but it is sensible to also have a pre-trip online or telephone North Cyprus property consultation before you leave, as a first step. Experts such as those in the NCI team have years of experience advising North Cyprus property seekers in the pre-trip period how to focus in on what might be right for them. You will be asked a few initial questions and help you draw up an initial pre-trip shortlist over the ‘phone or online, the main aim being to show you that there are enough suitable properties for you to make it worth you visiting in person. Bear in mind your shortlist may change once you are on island and have your full property consultation in person.
If you wish to have a pre-trip property consultation, North Cyprus International offer one via LIVE CHAT (www.northcyprusinternational.com) for a no obligation virtual property tour, or on skype (ncilondon) or via the London office on +44 207 112 8086.
This stage can also be very useful in terms of getting the advice you need to plan your trip: flight, visa, car hire advice etc. You may or may not wish to organise a free 3 night inspection trip stay, you can talk this through with the advisor.
Finally, also use the pre-trip period to write down your own personal reasons for purchasing (see STEP 2). Once in the magical island of Cyprus, your heart may rule your head – it can be good to have something written down about why you are purchasing in the first place, to help you keep your feet on the ground.
Above all, keep an open mind and to wait to sit down in person in Cyprus during your trip with professional property advisors such as those from North Cyprus International.
4 – Right North Cyprus Property | Visit & View North Cyprus Properties with Professional Advisors

North Cyprus Estate Agents such as North Cyprus International frequently receive phone calls from desperate property hunters on their last day in North Cyprus. “I have been here all week” they say. “I am exhausted and burned out. I have viewed about 20 properties. I have been lost several times. I am totally confused. I don’t know WHAT I want any more, but I really wanted to buy something whilst I was here. Just HELP!” Sometimes visitors like this have been shy or reluctant to use the help of a professional at the outset, for the understandable reason that they don’t want to be “sold to”. They want to have an independent holiday in North Cyprus and view properties under their own steam, rather than being on an organised property viewing trip. But so often this results in a wasted journey, frustration, exhaustion and losing all their holiday time to boot – requiring them to come back time and again on expensive flights when they could have got the right property the first time!
By contrast, there are ways of doing things without this level of frustration and wasted time! Whether you book an organised Property Inspection Trip or just a Day Property Viewing, just as in the TV show “Place in the Sun”, on your first day you should sit down with a property professional and go through a series of questions with you which will enable them to draw up the correct viewing list for you.
The evaluation should include questions about:
• Your lifestyle: if this is a “lifestyle” purchase – what do you really want to DO every day? Are you a golfer? Do you like shopping? Walking? How important is beach life to you? How many people will use it? This helps us choose your area and type.
• Your payment plan needs: Do you need a property loan or are you a cash purchaser? What is your maximum comfortable deposit? How soon would you like to pay off the property loan? This helps us select which properties out of 100s will fit your financial needs.
• Your investment expectations: are you hoping for rental income from your investment? Is this essential or optional? Are you a professional investor expecting strong capital growth? Do you have a timescale for reselling it? We know how best to help you invest in North Cyprus.

Experts such as those from NCI can help you avoid the North Cyprus property pitfalls and focus on the positive: finding you what REALLY suits your lifestyle, your budget, your payment plan and investment needs and most of all – finding you what “feels “ right. NCI has a range of properties with unique prices, payment plans or packages often not available elsewhere.
After this initial consultation, you should have drawn up a viewing shortlist and have planned one or two property viewing days which should always include a visit to one of an approved list of North Cyprus Lawyers.
Once you have seen a selection, it is normally easy to whittle it down to the best 1 or 2. You may then wish to return for a second viewing on a subsequent day. Perhaps also to meet the company engineer or developer with a newer property, to discuss personalising the interior of your new home etc.
People are often amazed by how accurate the recommendations of such professionals are. You should never be pushed or made to feel uncomfortable – if you feel pushed you are in the wrong place. Using professionals ensures you avoid mistakes such as signing contracts before they have been properly legally examined or buying properties where they claim “VAT paid” but you end up having to pay it again. For more information call North Cyprus International on +44 207 112 8086 or skype: ncilondon – or connect on live chat on www.northcyprusinternational.com .
Experts such as NCI will help you find the property you both want and need, in a way which saves you time and money – and most importantly keeps it stress-free and FUN because you know you are in safe hands, so can relax and enjoy the process!
Testimonial: The NCI tour of various homes has given us a much better sense of how far a pound/dollar goes in the housing market here. We look forward to receiving more details about the properties we visited with you today. Thank you once again for your cordial approach, and the lovely conversation. We look forward to connecting with you again. KA and family from the USA.